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Sunday, November 6, 2016

Fwd: Your questions about Connect 360 answered

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"The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours -- it is an amazing journey -- and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins." -- B Moawad, author

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From:<  joaoa.dsilva2017@gmail.com > { Jeff Bullas <jeff@jeffbullas.com> }
Date: Sat, Nov 5, 2016 at 11:04 AM
Subject: Your questions about Connect 360 answered
To: joao.a.dsilva2017@gmail.com


Since yesterday when the doors opened, Ben Kniffen, Jeff and I have both received a ton of emails about his new software and training program, Connect 365.

I'm not surprised. An automated business building system like Connect 365 is a lot to take in, and it makes sense to get as much detail on it as you can before making an investment in a program like this.

So I want to address some of the most common questions we've been getting about the program:

Q: Who is Ben Kniffen and why should I listen to his advice about growing my business?

A: Ben is the Co-Founder and COO of LinkedSelling, a company that has used the Connect 365 Messenger and Client Outreach System to...

  • Publish 2 books on using LinkedIn to grow your business (one being a WSJ Best Seller by his co-founder Josh Turner)
  • Triple their revenue (for 3 years in a row)
  • Launch a brand new multi-seven figure coaching and training program
  • Fill the seats at their first live event with over 250 attendees in San Diego, California
  • Named #252 on the 2016 Inc. 5000 list of the fastest growing companies in the US
  • And that's just the tip of the iceberg

The bottom line: This system is what Ben used to build his own empire - so you can bet it's highly refined and effective. But even more important, Ben's team has been using the Connect 365 software their agency clients for over a year now AND and have taught the process to over 7,500 clients since 2012. While most programs are taught by people who don't actually implement what they teach, Ben's company walks-the-walk every day.

(Like, REALLY walks it. They have a team of 26...over half working in their agency, where they implement these systems for their clients.)

Ben's company, LinkedSelling, is regarded by most people (me included) as THE global authority on using online tools to generate leads and appointments and dramatically grow businesses - and he has a huge laundry list of clients who have successfully used this system to grow their businesses to prove it.

You can click here to learn more about some of these clients and their results.

Q: What is Connect 365 exactly? What's inside the program?

A: Connect 365, before we get to the bonuses that come with the program, is a three part program. The software, the training program, and the implementation support group. Here's a quick breakdown of each:

Access to the Entire Connect 365 Training Suite

The Connect 365 system training will teach you how to get more sales opportunities through a step-by-step system of staying in front of your top-prospects and clients, 365 days a year. In 3 modules and 11 lessons, this training is specific enough to answer your questions, but quick enough that you won't spend a ton of time "learning the ropes". You'll be up and running in no time.

Lifetime Access to The Connect 365 Messenger Software

You'll also get lifetime access to their custom built Connect 365 Messenger software that automates the entire messaging process, allowing you to send personalized LinkedIn messages to segments of your network without all of the tedious legwork. Allowing you to work on other areas of your business, without losing out on valuable relationships and sales opportunities with potential clients.

24/7 Access to The Connect 365 Implementation Group

Now, even with all that, you might need help at some point along the way...

As a Connect 365 member you'll be added to a private community of LinkedSelling advisors, staff, and like minded business owners to get feedback, work through roadblocks, refer business, trade ideas, etc...

You can see the full contents of what you get here

Q: Will Connect 365 work for me if I don't have a website already, or a following... or an email list?

A: Yes! The training will show you how to quickly build a targeted list on LinkedIn. It doesn't matter if you have a website or not. It doesn't matter if you have any LinkedIn connections or not. Even if you are just getting started...this is perfect. You can follow the training, quickly build up hundreds of targeted prospects...then plug them into the system, and off you go.

The system was created so that any business owner could literally start from scratch, follow a step-by-step process, and see results right out of the gate. You don't need to already be sitting on a mountain of prospects for it to be effective. There's no disadvantage whatsoever if you're starting from scratch. In fact, the system assumes that you are starting from square one.

Ben and his team have seen success with this program working with business owners ranging from already existing businesses with staffs and dedicated sales teams - to one-man startups. Wherever you're starting from, this program will work for you.

Q: Are there any bonuses?

Yes, there are a few bonuses that Ben's team is including that make this a complete no-brainer, including....


Building relationships with prospects and clients on LinkedIn the right way is a combination of art & science.

And it all starts with crafting effective messages so that you are looked at as one of the good guys....AND get the results you're after.

Connect 365 comes with messaging scripts and templates that you can (and probably should) use to get started.

But this isn't about just getting started. It's also about setting you up for long-term success, so when you join Connect 365, you will get a private invite to join LinkedSelling for a Virtual Messaging Script Writing Bootcamp so that you can begin creating completely custom campaigns with confidence.

After all, if you put your own spin on their scripts and templates...you'll get even better results.

Messaging Script Writing Bootcamp ($997 Value)


Generating leads and building relationships is only one part of the equation. Leads aren't worth much, if you can't close them into paying clients or customers.

Since not everyone is born a natural at sales, it's important that you have this base covered.

So when you join Connect 365 you will get the same sales training that LinkedSelling provides to their agency clients to help them get the most out of the leads that they generate for them.

Private Client Sales Training Sessions ($495 Value)


I don't really consider this a bonus, it's really an extension of the program. But when you join Connect 365, you'll also get:

A complimentary ticket to Ascend - their LIVE event in Orlando this coming June 8-10.

You're going to learn all of Ben's next level strategies to take what you achieve with Connect 365 and blast off to a truly leveraged, scalable 7 figure business. Nothing beats the energy, results, and transformation you'll get from being with Ben and his team and the other dedicated entrepreneurs at Ascend!

Ticket to Ascend 2017 in Orlando, Florida ($997 Value)

Click here to get started now

Q: Will Connect 365 work for people outside the United States?

A: It absolutely will! These same strategies have helped countless of Ben's clients on four continents... and from just about any industry you can name. The software and systems inside Connect 365 are universal, and location-independent.

Q: What is the investment in the program?

A: First off... let me say that this program is laughably underpriced.The total investment you need to make for lifetime access to Connect 365 is $1,497 so it comes down to only about $4.10 a day - a drop in the bucket for the kind of results you're going to create.

Click here to get started now

Q: How much time will I need to invest in Connect 365?

A: It depends. If you are just getting started, and need to first build a database of prospects on LinkedIn...then you should plan on investing 5-10 hours in the setup. And about 30-45 minutes per month after that, just to queue up your next campaign, tweak your messaging, etc.

If you're ready to rock and already have a nice database of connections, you can skip the the initial setup and dive right in.

Q: Is there a guarantee that Connect 365 will work for me?

Ben's company guarantees the only thing that matters... results.

If you follow the system and utilize the software, and in the next 6 months you don't have a list of at least 500 qualified prospects, an ironclad system in place for consistently staying in front of them to generate leads, traffic, and more opportunities for your business...

Then they will double your money back. DOUBLE.

So you literally have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

But what they're NOT offering is some silly 30-day money back guarantee, which I really respect. Because honestly...they've shown you EVERYTHING. You've got the entire system laid out in front of you. You know now whether or not this is the right fit for you.

Ben told me flat out that they're just not interested in tire-kickers and people who buy things just to refund. It takes energy away from working with clients who are serious about actually getting results.

I'm sure you feel the same with your business, right?

I know I do.

Click HERE to gain access

Get started here

Q: I'm not an online business / marketing expert. Is Connect 365 right for me?

A: Yes it is. As a matter of fact, the majority of Ben's clients who have seen amazing results with this system aren't online businesses or marketing pros. They come from all walks of life and all industries like: IT consultants, life coaches, insurance agents, sports apparel sales, architectural woodworking, accounting firms, financial advisors, real estate, consulting... the list is endless.

Connect 365 is industry neutral and has been proven to work for all types of businesses. You absolutely DO NOT need to be an expert marketer to see incredible results. When you join, it's 100% plug and play. Templates, scripts, step-by-step....everything you need.

You can see some testimonials about halfway down this page

Q: What is my deadline to enroll?

A: Connect 365 closes down at midnight PST on Wednesday November 9. And there's no telling when enrollment will be open again. Ben said they have no immediate plans to open the doors any time soon. More than likely, it will be 12 months before it's available again. So now is the time to get in.

There you have it.

That's my best shot at answering as many questions as possible, but there's only so much you can fit into an email.

If you have more questions, be sure to read all the details on everything that's included in Connect 365, you can find it all here.

And if you'd like to talk with somebody on Ben's team, just go to that same link. They'll have the live chat running almost all day and will be available to discuss over the phone as well.

My thanks in advance for your time and attention.

Hope you're having a great weekend!



Link: http://linkedselling.com/c365-offer-v2/

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