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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Future of Search Engine Based Sales, Marketing, Advertising and Why You Need to Innovate

The Future of Search Engine Advertising and Why You Need to Innovate Effectively

The Future of Search Engine Advertising and Why You Need to Innovate Effective search engine advertising is about delivering the right message, to the right person at exactly the right moment.

It’s answering people’s questions, resolving their issues and challenges whenever they have them, in the most professional, personalized and accurate way you can in real-time.

As advertising technology continues to evolve, yes your ability to achieve this becomes easier, but user expectations of real-time understanding and intuition grow just as fast.

If you don’t keep up, your ROI from paid search, marketing, advertising and sales, will continue to deteriorate.

As we move into the next wave of the digital revolution, you will be able to deliver highly intelligent and intuitive advertising messages, backed by enormous amounts of personal and behavioral data on your prospects.

The future of search engine advertising is exciting, but blink and you’ll miss the opportunity.

Real-time expectations, personalization and big data

People want information, and they want it now. And with a sea of data and insights available to advertisers this expectation can only grow.

It will become the norm to type or speak a query into your handheld device and get a real-time recommendation based on your location, preferences, demographic information and a thousand other data points.

Advertising personalization will go BEYOND basic remarketing.

The ads you see won’t just be about the last web page you visited, they’ll be tailored based on years of behavioral cues and off and online activity. This is your digital footprint, and brands will be able to capitalize on it.

Ads will be triggered based on the weather outside, the store you just walked past, or the birthday party you have coming up next weekend. And these ads won’t just pop up in search engines. They’ll be everywhere. In mobile apps, across your favorite websites and even on digital billboards.

BIG data is more than just an email address and some website history. It’s your shoe size, your dating history, the type of books you read, the ads you click on, the ads you don’t click on, every car you’ve ever bought. All of this information is being aggregated in a way that will change the paid advertising industry.

Your smartphone, powered by Siri or Cortana etc., will recognize that it’s your Mom’s birthday today, while in a taxi whose GPS, based localized service brought it, a round the next corner to you as you were walking down the street from work and suggest stopping to pick up flowers as you approach the florist on your way home. As it turns out, that specific florist has a sale on and you were just told about it by a computer and a coupon pops up for a discount purchase.

This is what search and localized advertising will evolve to be.

Voice search and multi-platform localized GPS based, advertising.

Voice search is primed to overtake text-based search, and advertisers will need to adapt.

It requires a new approach and a deeper understanding of the natural human language.

Not surprisingly voice search is powered by technology such as Cortana, Siri and Google (Android) Now, which are all owned and operated by the search engine giants.

Then we have mobile, the m-life that can pay for you via e-wallet, as you go about making your decisions in real-time based on, geo-spatial data…

Sure it’s not groundbreaking to suggest that mobile search is the future. But as an advertiser it’s even more important than you think. 3 out of every 4 people who search for something locally on their smartphone, visit a business within that day.

As more and more people start searching for geographically based information on their phones, there is more and more opportunity to personalize the advertising experience for them. And it’s not just about showing a relevant ad in a search engine result. To win in the future of search advertising you will need to expand your ad’s visibility across multiple devices, and on multiple platforms.

If you're traveling planes, cars and favorite hotel rooms will be booked for you and your favorite CATV & radio programs will be setup up for you on the TV and radio consoles in your favorite language(s) as you use your smartphone to open the door and enter your room that was pre-booked for you, all "automagically."

As you pick up your phone to order something, the system already know you debit/credit card numbers via e-wallet and pays for you automatically, whatever you want. Of course it is delivered to you by a localized product/service provider. "

Bing alone powers tools such as Cortana, Xbox, Windows, Microsoft Office, Twitter translations, Siri and Amazon search. And that is just scratching the surface. Your ads will need to create touch points across multiple platforms in a person’s day, with each touchpoint being more and more personalized.


Search engine advertising has come along way in the last decade, but the biggest changes are yet to come.

Some of what we can expect is predictable based on the trends and innovations we see today. But most of what lies ahead is beyond our imagination.

What we do know is that data, real-time expectations, professioanlization and personalization are rapidly becoming significant influencers over how we deliver advertising messages to our prospects, and for our clients.

Are you ready for the next wave of the digital advertising revolution?

So you won't be dependant on and held hostage by changing algorithms in cyberspace and socialmedia, use "Attraction Marketing" ...get and keep adding to your list of prospects, clients and returning customers. Learn more here!

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